Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Name FirstLastPhone Number (Optional)Email Comment or MessageWhich APGI Company Are You Interested In? (Check all that apply.)

  • Affinity Publishing Group, Inc

  • Honky Tonk Network

  • The Dusti Roads Show

  • Affinity Ministries

  • Xcelsius Music (BMI)

  • Xcelsius Media

  • Honky Tonk Music TV

  • Tape To DVD Treasures

Although we are very new in television programming, we are creating a community of positive television programming for everyone. We are loading content daily and should have opportunities for local viewers to be able to be a part of our shows. We want viewers like you on our broadcasts. We welcome your ideas and talents.

How to Contact Affinity Publishing Group, Inc.

Telephone: 352-388-3886

Our Companies & Products Include:
Music/Book Publishing
Xcelsius Music (BMI)
Affinity Publishing Group, Inc.

Artist Management
Affinity Publishing Group, Inc.

Honky Tonk Network (HTN)

The Dusti Roads Show (TDRS)
Honky Tonk Music TV (HTMTV)
The Dusti Roads Show (TDRS)
Affinity Ministries (APGAM)

News & Captioning Service
Xcelsius Media

Digital Video Transfer Services
Tape To DVD Treasures

Radio & TV Commercials
Honky Tonk Network (HTN)
Honky Tonk Music TV (HTMTV)
The Dusti Roads Show (TDRS)

Affinity Ministries (APGAM)
Honky Tonk Network (HTN)
Honky Tonk Music TV (HTMTV)

Free Copyright Assistance

  • Telephone: 352-388-3886





3721 Single Street
Quincy, MA 02169

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
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